
Iterative Algorithm

Here is a classic iterative algorithm template for May & Forward analysis

Let’s view it in another way

  • Given a CFG with k nodes, the iterative algorithm updates OUT[n] for every node n in each iteration.

  • Assume the domain of the values in data flow analysis is V, let’s define a k-tuple: (OUT[n1], OUT[n2], …, OUT[nk]) as an element of set (V1 × V2 … × Vk) denoted as Vk, to hold the values of the analysis after each iteration.

  • Each iteration can be considered as taking an action to map an element of Vk to a new element of Vk, through applying the transfer functions and control-flow handing, abstracted as a function F: Vk → Vk

  • Then the algorithm outputs a series of k-tuples iteratively until a k-tuple is the same as the last one in two consecutive iterations.

X is a fixed point of function F if X = F(X)

We say the iterative algorithm reaches a fixed point.

Partial Order


Some examples of poset:

  • (S, ≤) , S is a set of integers

  • (S, substring) , S is a set of English words

  • (S, subset) , S is the power set of set {a,b,c}

upper & lower bounds


Some examples of lattice:

  • (S, ≤) , S is a set of integers

    • ⊔ means “max”

    • ⊓ means “min”

  • (S, subset) , S is the power set of set {a,b,c}

    • ⊔ means ∪

    • ⊓ means ∩


Complete Lattice

Some examples of complete lattice:

  • (S, ≤) , S is a set of integers

    • × not a complete lattice

    • it has no ⊔S(+∞)

  • (S, subset) , S is the power set of set {a,b,c}

Note: the definition of bounds implies that the bounds are not necessarily in the subsets (but they must be in the lattice)

A complete lattice is not necessarily a finite lattice!

Product Lattice

DFA Framework via Lattice

Data flow analysis can be seen as iteratively applying transfer functions and meet/join operations on the values of a lattice


Fixed Point Theorem


Relate to Iterative Algorithm

two conditions of fixed point theorem:

  • L is finite

  • f is monotonic

If a product lattice Lk is a product of complete(and finite) lattices, i.e., (L, L, …, L), then Lk is also complete (and finite) =》 L is a finite and complete lattice

In each iteration, it is equivalent to think that we apply function F which consists of

  • transfer function fi: L → L for every node

  • join/meet function ⊔/⊓: L×L×L... → L

for control-flow confluence

How to prove function F is monotonic?

first, transfer function is obviously monotonic(Gen/Kill function is monotonic, IN/OUT never shrinks)

next, prove that ⊔/⊓ is monotonic

When will the algorithm reach the fixed point?

To sum up, we can draw these conclusions:

  1. the iterative algorithm is guaranteed to terminate(reach the fixed point)

  2. There may be more than one solution, but our solution is the best one(least/greatest fixed point)

  3. Worst case of iterations: lattice height × nodes num in CFG

May & Must analysis


How precise is our solution?

MOP: Meet Over All Paths

Bit-vector or Gen/Kill problems(set union/intersection for join/meet) are distributive.

But some analyses are not distributive

Constant Propagation

Given a variable x at program point p, determine whether x is guaranteed to hold a constant value at p.

The OUT of each node in CFG, includes a set of pairs (x, v) where x is a variable and v is the value held by x after that node

Worklist algorithm

an optimization of Iterative Algorithm.

As iteration goes on in the iterative algorithm, we need to apply F to every node even if one node’s OUT changes.

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