Implementation of javax.servlet.FilterChain used to manage the execution of a set of filters for a particular request. When the set of defined filters has all been executed, the next call to doFilter() will execute the servlet's service() method itself.
public final class ApplicationFilterChain implements FilterChain {
private static final ThreadLocal<ServletRequest> lastServicedRequest;
private static final ThreadLocal<ServletResponse> lastServicedResponse;
static {
if (ApplicationDispatcher.WRAP_SAME_OBJECT) {
lastServicedRequest = new ThreadLocal<>();
lastServicedResponse = new ThreadLocal<>();
} else {
lastServicedRequest = null;
lastServicedResponse = null;
Field f = servletResponse.getClass().getDeclaredField("response");
Response res = (Response) f.get(servletResponse);
Field usingWriter = res.getClass().getDeclaredField("usingWriter");
usingWriter.setBoolean(res, false);